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Signs an Elderly Is No Longer Safe to Drive

Signs an Elderly Is No Longer Safe to Drive

Driving may help the elderly to stay independent and mobile, but with aging also comes the higher risk of vehicle accidents. Not only will the unsafe driver be damaged but also the people who are with them on the road. There are indicators of whether or not you are fit to drive or will have to tuck in safe behind the steering wheel of a non-emergency medical transportation in Lowell, Massachusetts.

Recognizing this, FREDAKA SERVICES INC providing senior transportation lists down the signs to be observed for you or your loved ones:

  • Starting to drift on other lanes
  • Making sudden lane changes
  • Straddling lanes
  • Missing out or ignoring the traffic signals or stop signs
  • Heightened confusion when driving in traffic
  • Sudden acceleration without reason
  • Stopping or braking abruptly without any cause
  • Difficulty sighting objects, other vehicles, or pedestrians
  • Coasting to a near stop even in the moving traffic
  • Increasing anxiety levels while driving
  • Driving slower than the general speed of other vehicles
  • They’re having problems with neck/back flexibility to turn around and see hazards/traffic around the car. FREDAKA SERVICES INC is available for help.
  • Getting easily disoriented or lost even in familiar places
  • Failing to use turn signals when changing lanes
  • Dents and scrapes on the car or on the surrounding objects where they park at home
  • Having had two or more warnings or traffic citations in the past two years

Ever noticed a few or all of these signs with your loved ones? Let FREDAKA SERVICES INC, a provider of wheelchair transportation service in Massachusetts help.

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