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Tips on Making Your Wheelchair More Comfortable

Tips on Making Your Wheelchair More Comfortable

There are many advanced supplemental products aimed at making wheelchairs perfectly comfortable, especially for full-time users. Using it fulltime or on a long road trip, you can’t just accept anything less, which is why FREDAKA SERVICES INC, a provider of wheelchair transportation service in Massachusetts, lists down the following ways you can make your wheelchair as comfortable as it can be:

  • Try using a ROHO cushion.
    Getting a comfortable cushion is the first step and for this, a ROHO cushion may be your best choice. For senior transportation or simple daily use, it does give the wheelchair users a cozy and pillowy effect under the bum.
  • Lumbar support.
    The lumbar area is the little inward-curving part of your lower back, so if it doesn’t get adequate support, your whole back will feel like breaking all day. FREDAKA SERVICES INC suggests adding support like a small rolled-up towel or an actual lumbar support seat attachment.
  • Cushioned armrests.
    If your wheelchair has armrests, then go all the way putting cushions for extra comfort especially if you use them for transferring or repositioning yourself the entire day.
  • Adjust your footrest.
    The key to a comfortable footrest is making sure it situates your feet in a way that your knees are slightly higher than your hips. Non-emergency medical transportation in Lowell, Massachusetts suggests that you use an adjustable footrest.

Get more ideas on wheelchair comfort at FREDAKA SERVICES INC. Contact us today!

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